Call to Action: Join Scholars for Palestine UK 

In International Action Against Scholasticide

Call to Action: Join Scholars for Palestine UK

International Action Against Scholasticide

February 18 – 29

Scholars for Palestine UK is joining forces with partners internationally to launch a campaign to raise awareness and mobilise support against Scholasticide in Palestine.

Scholasticide highlights the systematic destruction of Palestinian education by Israeli colonial policies. From the deliberate targeting of scholars, students, schools and universities to the suppression of academic freedom, these injustices serve to perpetuate oppression and erode the fabric of Palestinian society. 


Join Scholars for Palestine UK for a public vigil to honour Palestinian educators killed by Israel’s genocidal war: 26 February 2024, 5.30pm GMT, London - Location: Outside the London School of Economics (LSE) Marshall building, Portugal St entrance


Scholars for Palestine UK will host an online event: “Resisting Scholasticide: Palestinian Scholars Speak Out.” 27 February 2024, 5 pm GMT.

 (Registration Link: )

In Israel's genocidal war on the 2.3 million Palestinians living in the occupied and besieged Gaza, the devastation extends beyond loss of life. Palestinian universities, schools, academics, and students have been deliberately targeted, compounding the suffering of the population.

Every university in Gaza has been bombed. Gaza's two primary universities, the Islamic University of Gaza and Al-Azhar University, have been systematically bombed by Israel's US-supplied jets, reducing them to rubble. 370 schools have either been destroyed or severely damaged as a result of Israel's military assault.

As Israel’s violations in the West Bank continue to escalate, with fears of further assaults by Israeli settlers leading to increased restrictions on Palestinian movement, Palestinian universities are facing unprecedented challenges. Starting from 9 October, many universities in the West Bank have transitioned to distance education to ensure the safety of students and staff.

This deliberate targeting of educational institutions represents a form of scholasticide, contributing to the broader strategy of eradicating Palestinian culture and identity. It is a reprehensible act that deprives Palestinians of their fundamental right to education. 

Here are some actions you can take on your campus during the International Action Against Scholasticide to raise awareness and show support for education in Palestine: